Reminiscences of well known personalities and military history meanderings in South Africa gathered over more than sixty years, Matthew (Midge) Carter shares his passion for South Africa and its battlefields, for obscure gravesites and monuments around the world and recounts delightful anecdotes of exciting opportunities few could match in a lifetime.
Co-authored by Trish Woodman, segments captured in photographs are simple but descriptive words outline the stories behind ‘just a name on a stone’, many inscriptions translated from Afrikaans.
Battlefield Wanderers
Although Google can help us all to find photos of almost anything one might be interested in, there are still many places, people, etc that we have never heard about so don’t research. Here are some photos of battlefields, cemeteries, monuments, graves and so on, that we have found interesting in our wandering.
Photos and video clips are of countries and wars other than Southern Africa, which was our main focus in our book, We Wander the Battlefields. We have added links back to events, people and places referred to in the book. We realised that we had scores of photos of military interest that we had taken in the USA, France, Belgium, UK, Gibraltar and etc. that other people may find useful. We know that photos of monuments are readily available, but the background information or inscription is quite often not.
Even if you usually study just one military period, we hope that you will discover some new and fascinating facts among the following collection. There is never an end to learning.
Midge always has his video camera with him and has produced some interesting glimpses of the battlefields we’ve visited. These were meant for us, of course, and we never thought we would want to make them available to other people, but not everyone is able to visit these places for themselves.
The quality of both Midge’s filming and the cameras have improved over the years. For one thing, the cameras now are tiny compared with his original camera. We almost hoped that someone would steal that so that we didn’t have to carry it anymore!
Unfortunately, as a tourist, it is impossible to control the movements and voices of other tourists who constantly intrude, usually in an irritating way. It is amazing how loudly a small child can speak!