Menin Gate, 1997
This unforgetable monument lists 56,000 names of men who died at Ypres and have no known grave. The tangible feeling here is of reverence and honour. It is well-known that each evening the Last Post is sounded at 8 pm. An excellent bronze plaque by Ross Bastiaan of Melbourne tells the story and gives facts about the Battle of Ypres.
Passchendaele Cemetery, 1997
The graves of more than 2,000 soldiers are in this cemetery.
Sanctuary Wood, 1970

Tynecot Cemetery, 1997
The never-ending litany of 34,857 names on the walls and 11,956 graves is overwhelming. Every name represents a family’s lost dreams. The Cross of Sacrifice stands on a German pill-box and Midge looks closely at 2 others. There is a monument to the New Zealanders who died at Broodseinde.

A look at the general area of the battle and, in more detail, the Hougoumont Farm, its wall plaques and chapel. We see also the ornate Prussian monument. Videos taken in 1997.